Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It's Seniors Month

The Seniors Advocacy and Awarness Network (SAAN) is running a series of television and print ads to draw attention to the issue of Elder Abuse, and it seems to be working. I spoke to the Social Worker that is works with SAAN and she told me they are getting community referrals.

While it's hard to celebrate incidences of elder abuse, it is a celebration that people are becoming aware that there is help out there for them. It's a paradox of working with such an issue.

We are fortunate to have a dedicated Elder Abuse Social Worker, there are only 2 or 3 in the province. As the population ages the will be more and more cases of Elder Abuse, unless we can make the change here and now.

By educating people we can empower them to raise flags, get clarification and to simply connect with resources within the community to prevent this from happening.

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