Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's so pretty...

Ok confession time, I'm a girly girl. My favourite colour is pink, I love flowers and I'll cry over...well anything.

So when it came to think of a 'fun' way to give out our grants, I went all girly this year. I took our ficus tree and blew $20 at the dollar store and with 18 cheques to give away we now have 18 pretty butterflies in the tree, and pretty butterflies on the walls around. It's all so pretty and delicate, and corny.

But I can live with that.

I just find handing out envelopes really boring. Last year was exicting as we were 'squatting' in what is now the United Way Centre. We couldn't say it was ours, only that it was "in process" lots of mystery and intrigue.

This year it's just going to be fun and all perky and bright.

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